The sprinkler system is the most important part of your yard. It is what keeps it looking alive and beautiful.
An efficient sprinkler system should have ‘head to head’ coverage. That means the water thrown from each sprinkler should touch or overlap the sprinklers next to it. If you have dry spots in your yard chances are pretty good that you don’t have head to head coverage.
An efficient sprinkler system should have adequate water pressure for the type of sprinkler heads installed. More pressure is not always better for a sprinkler system. For example, Low precipitation sprinkler heads generally require lower pressures. Impact or Rotor type sprinkler heads will operate better on higher (but not too high) water pressure. Water pressures exceeding the recommend amount for the type of sprinkler head will cause the water to vaporize or mist which also causes the sprinkler head to throw the water different than it was designed to.
An efficient sprinkler system should separate grass/turf zones from shrubs and other plants that have different water requirements. This will ensure you are only delivering the amount of water that each type of plant needs. If shrubs are watered on the same zone as grass, the shrubs will be overwatered (approximately double the amount they need) just to get the right amount of water on the grass. That not only means you can save money on water, but also you will have healthier plants by keeping them on separate zones with different water schedules.
Peak Landscapes is dedicated to making sure that your sprinkler system functions properly and that you understand how to use it. We use only the highest quality parts to ensure a long lasting and efficient sprinkler system.
Click here to request a free professional consultation and competitive estimate.