801-804-PEAK (7325)  •  P.O. Box 1446 Spanish Fork, UT 84660

Proper drainage from your home will help you avoid a potential flooding hazard. Having proper drainage throughout the yard will help water to evenly saturate the soil throughout.

The soil in Utah is generally clay. Clay is very slow to absorb water and nutrients. Clay soil absorbs water at roughly 10% the rate most sprinkler systems will apply it. Sandy loam soil will absorb at roughly 50% the sprinkler systems rate. Removing some of that clay soil and installing a good sandy loam soil will decrease wasted water run-off. More importantly though, a good soil will improve plant health by allowing the root system to go d root deeper to seek water and nutrients and thus become more drought tolerant. Clay soils usually result in shallow depth and weak plants/turf.

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